Winery Tours in Napa Valley
Most wineries open to the public offer tours, generally by pre-arrangement, many of them free of charge.
Check out these wineries for large-scale how-it’s-done winery tours:
Beringer Vineyards is a lovely, historic winery in St. Helena.
Clos Pegase in Calistoga offers art, indoor and out, in addition to wine, the owner’s home sits on a knoll overlooking the winery and vineyard.
Rutherford Hill in Rutherford (naturally) shares a perch on the eastern side of Napa Valley with famed Auberge Du Soleil resort and restaurant. Picnic area with a valley view.
More information and more wineries offering tours visit Napavintners website!
Written by: Holly M. Evans-White has worked in the wine business as a tour guide, wine educator, wine buyer, sommelier, wine concierge and wine consultant in Napa and Sonoma counties for over twenty years. Holly’s expertise is in pairing the wine enthusiast with a wine experience that surprises and exceeds the wine explorer’s expectations. Holly, also known as the Cellar Cat, believes everyone can learn to Drink for Themselves, and that only Practice makes Purrfect.