
5 of the Most Intriguing Vodka Bottles You’ll See

29 Jul, 2018

DQ Vodka


A luxury vodka with water coming out of a government protected aquifer, DQ Vodka didn’t put quality into just the actual drink. This award winning bottle design feels as if its come straight from the future, with the chrome and glow of the space age. Make no mistake though, this new future is just as good if not better than what’s come before it.

Price: $74.16 || Website

Evil Spirits


As clear as the ghosts it urges you to summon, Evil Spirits is a vodka meant for the deep hours of the night. They even provide the Ouija board. The dark colors and tones of this bottle clash perfectly with the shining vodka inside, urging you to partake of this supernatural delight as soon as it’s available.



A super premium vodka made in the Catskills of Oregon, AnastasiA brooks no compromises in its drive for quality. The jagged, mountainous bottle it comes in is no exception. Distilled and filtered five times this vodka is an award winning star you don’t want to pass up.

Price: $39.99 || Website 

Medea Vodka

Sometimes you want vodka to not just deliver a great drink, but something more unique, Medea vodka does just that with its programmable bottle label. A scrolling message that says whatever you desire, a level of personal touch that’s just what many of us have been looking for.

Price: $35.99 || Website


Not content to rest on the bold scarlet letters sitting atop the cream colored bottle, inviting you to discover what’s inside, Coven vodka shows its true face only in the dark. Shut off the lights and be caught in the spell of its glow-in-the-dark artwork.

Price: $40.85 || Website

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